What greater joy may we be blessed with, than to have the Gift of peace.
Peace begins in finding what we have in common ... the common denominator. From there grows trust. From there grows friendship. In the Franciscan walk with the Indigenous Peoples, our knowledge and compassion deepens the more we learn about what we have in common. Franciscans begin to understand about the Indigenous Peoples when we are given a glimpse of the pain and loss of love that has been endured for so long, through their testimonies. The stigmata was enough for St Francis to understand what physical pain is about, and what is meant to be in close relationship with God. The stigmata of emotional pain and loss of love goes deeper. It is the sacrifice of love. What can we personally do? As loving and charitable people, we are called by God the Creator to give everyone a sense of belonging. Aquene Peace ofs National JPIC Team ![]() Proposal for JPIC Action (Revised)
October 7, 2024 The National JPIC Team would like to use the remainder of this term (2022-2025) to inspire Secular Franciscans across Canada to live out their call to seek justice, promote peace and ensure the integrity of creation. As a first initiative, we are calling for a focus on reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples here in Canada... ... We are suggesting two main courses of action, while maintaining openness to others as led by the Holy Spirit.
A Path to Solidarity: Truth and Reconciliation
April 17, 2024 (This is 10 month online series) The goal is to increase non-Indigenous knowledge of present problems that Indigenous Peoples are experiencing, solutions that are being worked on, and to encourage creative discernment on further solutions" (Diocese of London, Canada website, 2024) at DOL.CA/A-PATH-TO-SOLIDARITY * All social justice groups, especially within the Church are encouraged to take part in this series of ACTION steps towards Peace and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Living Stories from Franciscans Across Canada
![]() Message of Pope Francis for Creation Day 2023 - Laudato Si' Movement
In this post you can read the message of Pope Francis for Creation Day 2023: "Let justice and peace flow". Use Laudato Si' Movement Resources to take action: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamloops, and Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc made a significant step on the path of truth and reconciliation with a new Sacred Covenant signed on Easter Sunday 2024.
Working Towards Peace
* To fulfill our call of “Corporal Works of Mercy”, right relationships include providing food, water, clothing for the naked, and shelter for the Homeless. Furthermore, in Canada, the government’s responsibility is to provide everyone with immunization against communicable diseases: for example, immunization against the deadly disease of tuberculosis.
* To foster reconciliation, we are called to be intentional listeners. The Red Dress ... is a symbol of the destruction and violation that has been "instituted" against missing and murdered Indigenous Women. These crimes are terrible. As we walk in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi, it is our apostolic mission to continue to work towards reconciliation among all God's People: by respecting the rights and dignity of the human person. Let's facilitate this apostolic mission by creating even deeper Forever Friendships with Indigenous Peoples everywhere, and ... with all of Creation. Miigwech Brothers and Sisters of the OFS National JPIC Team
Making Contact with a Friendship Centre
The OFS National JPIC Team made their first contacts with the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC) in Ottawa, to begin building relationships with the Indigenous People. • By reaching out to any one of the Friendship Centres across Canada is a concrete Sign of Action towards Peace and Reconciliation with the Indigenous People. Why contact the Friendship Centres across Canada? • Going through the Friendship Centres is the most tangible way of reaching out to the largest numbers of Indigenous People. Stay tuned for more stories ...READ MORE Building Relationships with the Indigenous Peoples
Living Stories and/or pictures and captions .... continue to be submitted to our OFS National website at . More submissions are to be encouraged, for example when attending a Pow Wow (the English term “Pow Wow” is accepted by the Indigenous Peoples). ...READ MORE Study finds Indigenous people cultivated hazelnuts 7,000 years ago, challenging modern assumptions
CBC News November 28, 2024 Researcher says evidence challenges narratives of wild, untouched landscapes in what is now British Columbia, but also found in Eastern Canada
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science indicates Indigenous peoples in what is now B.C. had been cultivating the beaked hazelnut for thousands of years, which researchers say challenges the notion that pre-colonial Indigenous people in northwestern B.C. were only hunter-gatherers. Learn more...
![]() To the Indigenous Peoples ...
"We want to learn about you, We want to understand about you. We want to love you." OFS National JPIC
Land Acknowledgement 2024 The ofs National JPIC Team acknowledges that we are meeting on the traditional territorial lands across Canada, of the First Nations Peoples, where we are
living in community with the water, the air, fertile soil, and all of creation. Covenant treaties have been made, to create peace, and to care for the lands, taking no more than what is needed, and to share with the needy, for now and for future generations. As treaty people, we honour and respect all of Creation, especially the dignity of the human person. Pope Francis and the
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2024 In the encyclical Laudato Si', Pope Francis shares his concern for ecology and the environment. Pope Francis emphasises the deep connection that human beings have with the earth, and the earth with human beings. Humanity is dependent on Creation and interdependent on its survival. (Video 3:o2)
Hope and Act With Creation
National Indigenous Peoples Day
"A day to celebrate Indigenous Peoples, their histories, cultures, andresilience";
(Girl Guides of Canada - Guides du Canada ; Guidepost," June 18, 2024). Watch for coverage of National Indigenous Peoples Day on your local News network.
29 excellent books for
Children and Teens June 13, 2024 Phyllis Webstad is the founder of Orange Shirt Day and has written several books for children and young people. (Medicine Wheel Publishing by Indigenous writers, curated by Phyllis Webstad
September 30th
Orange Shirt Day It is also known as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Phyllis Webstad who is the Orange Shirt Day Founder and Ambassador curated this reading list for National Indigenous History Month.
Phyllis chose books that fosters conversation of what happened to the Indigenous People, as well as books that bring hope for a better future." Read More ... Explore Indigenous territories around the world with this interactive. Their Mission: We strive to map Indigenous lands in a way that changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day. We hope to strengthen the spiritual bonds that people have with the land, its people, and its meaning.
Search your address, or toggle switches above to add shapes. Click around! Think critically about this map. The Book: Listening to Indigenous Voices - A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships
Edited by Mark Hathaway, Victoria Blanco, Jayce Chiblow, and Anne-Marie Jackson As the Truth and Reconciliation Commission reminds us, “reconciliation is not about ‘closing a sad chapter of Canada’s past,’ but about opening new healing pathways of reconciliation that are forged in truth and justice.” This process entails “awareness of the past, acknowledgement of the harm that has been inflicted, more... We are looking for inspirational stories of connections and networking.
Contact: [email protected]om Archived Communiqué
Newsletter to increase awareness of specific JPIC issues. Franciscan International Franciscans International advocates at the United Nations for the protection of human dignity and environmental justice. CIOFS JPIC The JPIC office works to inspire and assist Secular Franciscans as they reflect on their relationship with God and all of creation. JPIC focuses on the daily choices made in the areas of justice, peace-making and respect for people and all created things. OFM JPIC Resources Laudato Si' Study Guide The study guide is meant to promote reading and study of Laudato Si' encyclical. Franciscan Voice Canada Franciscan Voice Canada is a network of Secular Franciscans and their friends who are a voice and advocate for change in the areas of justice, peace and integrity of creation, according to Franciscan values in our daily lives . .. Refer to the Common Good newsletter. Your National JPIC Committee Members have used these
websites to inspire and take actions: My Plastic Free Life: Includes a page marked “100 Steps to Get Started” Join the movement If you have any suggestions on how we may fight for justice, promote peace or ensure the integrity of creation, please send your message to: [email protected] Franciscan Media: 225 pages of articles some of which relate to JPIC such as: Create an Organic Garden Pope Francis on Our Common Home Thank God for Dirt Leaning on Prayer in Difficult Times Zero Waste Chef: Includes a page marked “50 Ways to Kick Plastic” National JPIC Team
George Guimond, Nat. Council Rep. Margaret Ross, Chair Marilyn Deery, Interim Chair Dorothy Fenn Michel Racine |