Franciscan Spirituality
Our Founder: St. Francis of Assisi
Images by José Benlliure y Gil,, Public Domain
and 800 years later... 2019 NATIONAL SPIRITUAL CONFERENCE: October 10-11-12-13, 2019 Anniversary of the Encounter between Saint Francis and the Sultan: A retreat with Fr. Michael Cusato, OFM. 1) Medieval Context of Francis’ Encounter with the Sultan 2) Franciscan Attempts to Encounter the Muslim World 3) Francis and the Encounter under the Tent 4) From Damietta to La Verna and Assisi 5&6) Radical Vision among Franciscans, and Current Efforts of Pope Francis to Recapture the Vision Contact [email protected] for further information. Fraternité 2019 Spiritual Conference offered in French with wonderful liturgies, music, and fraternity! Updates about Fraternité gatherings to come will be posted here |
OFS National Spiritual Conference, 2019